Photography competitions with suspicious regulations

As a law graduate maybe it has become a special obsession to always read the small tekst. When entering in a photography competitionalways read the regulations. Before you know it you click accept without checking, thinking ah how bad can it be (or not thinking at all). Isn't it all the same? No it isn't. Unfortunately there are some company's out there that have no other reason for organising a competition,than to collect new photographs for free. Photographs which they can sell or use as they like if their rules state this. In even the most unassuming competition this can be the case. Of one company the reaction was oh but we work together with this other site and just copied their rules.

 I find it alarming that without any need for such rules (except for harvesting free work) in  a simple photo competition, they will take all the rights if you give it to them. Ask yourself why would you? Just ignore these competition, we should boycot them and make others aware of these rules. Imagine that you have a really great shot are you going to give it away for free for a one in a billion change of a camera gadget or a free print? Seriousely? I find this bordering on theft. Unfortunately a lot of people just don't read and are blissfully unaware of what they just did or they don't care. For everybody who does care, i would like to list these competitions both national (the Netherlands) and international. Everybody who comes across these weird rules please fill free to leave a link in the comments so we can update the list.  I will mark the ones in red that demand ownership of all the rights once you have sent in your work.

The Netherlands:
1. Reizen Magazine
theme: Travel photography
runs from 25-04-2013 untill 20-05-2013

organiser ANWB, becomes the owner of the rights of all the rights of the work that is sent in.

2. Leenbakker
thema/theme: Lentemoment,
 runs from 24-03-2013 untill 27-04-2013

disturbing part of the regulations: 6. De deelname aan de wedstrijd impliceert de kostenloze overdracht van alle rechten op de upgeloade foto's aan Leen Bakker. (= with joining the competition you sign away all rights of uploaded photos to Leenbakker free of carge)

3.  Cameraland
thema/theme: I am Springtime
runs from now till 14/04/2013.
Cameraland kan op ieder ogenblik wijzigingen aanbrengen in de algemene voorwaarden. Daarvan zal naast deze algemene voorwaarden geen melding worden gemaakt.

well Cameraland has improved after their previous competition in which the asked participants to sign over their rights. Still the part were they say they can chance the rules whenever is not particulairy comforting. It would be better if they would state on the competition site if they would change something and that the participant can opt out if he or she doesn't agree with the new rules.

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